3 Inexpensive Ways To Freshen Up Your Home

Every January, after I’ve taken down the Christmas decorations, I get the itch to redecorate my home.  I’m not talking about a complete re-design, mind you.   That would be super fun, but not realistic to do every year.   Instead I do a few simple things to give my home a fresh look.

Here are three easy and inexpensive ways I like to freshen up our home:

  1. New pillow case covers.  Change up the pillows in a room.  It’s simple and it’s amazing how it gives a new feel to a room.  I love my cozy faux fur pillows for the Winter, but in the Spring I replace them with something lighter.  The room instantly looks and feels different.  I think that pillow case covers are the only way to go (versus actual pillows).  The pillow cases are usually less expensive than the whole sha-bang and they take up less space when you want to store them away.  I buy the pillow inserts from places like Target because they are inexpensive.  Pillow case covers can really run the gamut in price.  I tend to prefer the ones from Pottery Barn because I think they are a good quality for the price.  I usually buy them on sale (which of course is more fun and even better for your wallet).
  2. Fresh flowers from the grocery store.  I think that most of us know that flowers are expensive and I personally find it hard to justify spending the money on them when they’re a temporary decoration.  However, most grocery stores offer a variety of lovely flowers for a fraction of the price that you’d find at your local flower shop.  It’s amazing what the power of fresh flowers can do to a room (or a person).  The pink spring roses on the coffee table (in the photo above) were less than $8!  Just try to avoid things that look like they are already on the way out.
  3. Switch things around. This is my favorite tip because it’s free!  Move things around.  Yup, it’s that easy.  I am constantly moving things from room to room.  It feels like I just brought it home for the first time even if I’ve had it for five years.  For example, the white tray in the photo above was once in the dining room holding liquor.  The books and white box were in a different nook of the family room.  Now they all have a new home and I couldn’t be happier about the new look for the coffee table in the family room.  Although that does mean that I have to find new things to fill the spots where they were once, but if I’m doing it right I should have something from somewhere else to move there for free too.  Shuffle it around.  If you haven’t tried this you must because I think this is the best way to give your home a fresh look and you can’t beat the cost.  😉


How do you like to freshen up your home?

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