Sourdough Waffles

I know what you’re having for breakfast this weekend. It took my husband a few tries to get the recipe for these sourdough waffles just right. I didn’t mind at all because it was a good excuse to have waffles for breakfast. You know, it’s a hard job being a food blogger sometimes. 😉 These waffles are Belgian style so they are thick, crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside. Who else loves the extra crunchy bits on the sides from the waffle iron? Since these waffles have sourdough starter in them, they have a slight sourdough flavor. …

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Sourdough – Biscuits

Sourdough. Like the pet you never named, well, most people don’t name their sourdough starter anyway. Maybe I (Dave) should name mine. 🙂 There is a bit of a process involved with sourdough. If you are properly maintaining yours, there will be starter that you discard pretty regularly. You have a choice here. You can throw it away (don’t feel bad, everyone does it) or you can try to come up with sourdough things to do with it. In this case, I suggest taking some of the starter you were going to throw away and turn it into biscuits instead. …

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Maintaining Your Sourdough Starter

I always maintain my sourdough starter at 100% hydration. That simply means that for every gram of flour I add, I also add a gram of water. This means that my starter is always a consistent level of hydration. If you want happy starter, easy math, and consistent recipes, this approach keeps everything nice and simple. In general, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your starter jar regularly. I check mine daily, but don’t always do anything with it based on what I see. There are a couple things to look out for that indicate doing …

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What Sourdough Is

Sorry germophobes, but naturally occurring yeast and bacteria are all around you all the time. Just try not to think about it. Thousands of years ago, in the ages way before what I refer to as “industrialized yeast” this was all there was for making bread. Sourdough starter has yeast and other things living in it just waiting to make delicious bread. That means sourdough is effectively just the stuff that makes bread rise. Today, going to the grocery store is all it takes to get a packet or jar of single strain instant yeast. This yeast works amazingly well …

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Where Sourdough Lives

Like a doghouse for your dog, your sourdough needs a place to live too. Since practically anything can serve as a vessel for your starter, there are lots of choices. My experience has helped me to narrow down what makes a “good” home for your starter. An obvious feature is that it must be able to hold liquid. A less obvious feature is that it must not be able to hold air. This may sound a little screwy at first, but let me explain. You are adding flour and water to your container, which ends up being basically a thick …

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