Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup

It’s soup season.  You know, cold out and stuff. If you’re suffering from a post holiday food coma and you’re tired of being in the kitchen like I am then this bean soup couldn’t come at a better time.  This soup is a great way to get back on track for healthy eating because it’s made of beans and veggies.  That’s all healthy stuff all the time. You cook this soup in a slow cooker.  I’m not really drawn to slow cooker recipes because I don’t mind cooking soup on the stove.  Oh, plus, I don’t like to leave the house when the crock pot is on.  …

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Red Quinoa with Tomato, Basil, and Mozzarella

It’s a mad dash to the holiday finish line. The other day I looked in the fridge and noticed that it was basically empty.  When did that happen?  I had butter and eggs (and everything else that I needed in the cabinets to make cookies), but I had nothing to make “real food.”  You know, something to eat for dinner (aside from cookies of course).  Please tell me someone else can relate. I went to grocery store yesterday and got something other than cookie ingredients, but I’m still left with the thought of “I don’t want to cook or I don’t have time to …

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Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup (Redux)

It’s not easy being green. It’s also not easy taking pictures of green things, but here I am taking photos of a pea soup… again.  This recipe was one of my first ever posts back in March 2013.  How has it been almost four years that I’ve had this blog?!  Crazy talk. In the past I’ve re-posted recipes by highlighting them in my Best Ever series or if I came up with a way to improve the recipe.  Today is a little different.  I’m posting this recipe again because… well, because I want to.  🙂  In all seriousness, it’s because this …

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Hummus and Pasta

Hummus with pasta because why not? Guys, this hummus is seriously the easiest and tastiest recipe that ever existed.  Ever.  Without fail, it always comes out delicious and it’s always a crowd pleaser.  I’ve made it so many times over the past several years that I could probably make it in my sleep.  In fact, I’ve made it twice in the past month.  It’s definitely my go-to appetizer dip.  If you’re looking for one  (and you haven’t seen my hummus recipe) then you’ve got a bonus recipe today.  🙂 I usually don’t have hummus leftovers and if I do it’s …

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Buddha Bowl

What’s a Buddha bowl? A few months ago, my baby sister and I spent the day shopping and we ate at The Granola Bar.  I ordered, what they call, a Buddha bowl.  It’s warm quinoa topped with an egg and a side of sautéed kale and mushrooms, fresh sliced tomatoes, and avocado.  It was fantastically delicious.  Of course the food blogger in me wanted to re-create the meal at home so this recipe is my version of it. Aside from the basic ingredients that I mentioned, I was left wondering how exactly did they make it all taste so darn good?  What magical sauce did …

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