Grilled Eggplant and Zucchini Quinoa

No football food for you. I have this thing…  this unintentional need to play into clichés.  For example, if my husband and I are watching a game, then I like to eat game food, even if it’s just the two of us at home in our PJs.  It can totally be a low key thing like frozen pizza from the store and a bottle of Octoberfest.  It can even be healthy snacks that I play off as “healthy football food” (but let’s be real, healthy and football food is not really a thing). I must be slipping because this past …

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Chicken Fajita Pasta

Has the flavor of chicken changed? I had no issues eating chicken when I was a kid.  My dad was (and still is) picky about his chicken, claiming some chicken dishes tasted “too chicken-y.”  My sisters and I used to think that my dad was weird for thinking that. Karma is a kicker.  A few years ago, I was eating some kind of chicken dish and said (to myself or whoever was with me), “Wow, does this chicken taste chicken-y or what?”  (My husband piped up and said it was him that was there to hear that and that he …

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Stuff I’m Into

Happy Fall, a.k.a. my favorite time of the year!  Here’s the Stuff I’m Into lately. Plaid.  I never cared for plaid printed clothes and accessories.  I guess I thought it just wasn’t my style.  Last winter I felt like I wore the same 3 sweaters (and I’m pretty sure that I did) so I knew I had to step up my game.  I’ve previously mentioned that I am following some awesome fashion bloggers.  They have been a great source of inspiration and now with Fall in full swing, plaid has been all over my instagram feed.  Guess what?  Now I love plaid. Recently …

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Broccoli Jalapeno Mac and Cheese

Sometimes I have a hard time getting my daily dose of veggies. My mom says that when I was little I used to eat vegetables all the time.  In fact, I preferred a carrot over chocolate.  Whaaat?! That doesn’t sound like me at all.  I guess I’ve changed.  Luckily I still like to eat most vegetables but I admit that it requires effort and sometimes I slack off.  I wonder if pizza and bagels will ever turn a corner and be considered a vegetable.  😉 If so, I’d be golden. Anyway, in an effort to eat more vegetables, I thought …

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Indian Spiced Potato Chips With Garlic Yogurt Dip

Football season means it’s time to eat lots of unhealthy foods, right?  Sometimes. I’m totally into the whole football scene.  I enjoy watching the games and I’m not just there for the food.  (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)  Give me a pizza and a beer during the game and I’m a happy girl.  It’s so cliché but it’s true. Snacks are a must for game time, too.  All the usual suspects, like nachos, fatty dips and chips, and greasy appetizers are of course awesome but I could take or leave them depending on my mood.  My husband feels the …

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