Spinach Pie Spaghetti Squash

Do you find it intimidating to work with squash?  If yes, it’s not as scary as it seems.  I promise. I used to be intimidated by squash.  No, I didn’t think that it would beat me up.  😛  I simply had no idea how to cook with it, which meant it was foreign to me.  Of course anything foreign seems difficult and intimidating (for example, the fact that only my husband bakes bread in this house).  Having a food blog inspired me to try a few different kinds of squash last year and boy have I been missing out on some good …

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Baked Acorn Squash

I’ve been wracking my brain, trying to come up with a dinner recipe using this acorn squash.  We got it at a local farm and it’s been sitting in the fridge looking to be eaten.  In the end I decided to make it the way that my husband loved it as kid.  He convinced me to post about it because despite it’s simplicity, it’s worth being showcased.  I can never remember which squash is which.  Let’s be realistic here, there are tons of different kinds and a lot of them look kind of similar.  They are all squash after all. …

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Bacon, Egg, And Cheese Skillet Strata

Have you ever wished for a delicious piece of quiche but didn’t want the calories of the crust?  How about a bread pudding, but where you’re not really in the mood for something that tastes like French toast?  I didn’t know there was anything like that until recently.  It’s called a Strata and it’s a mixture of bread, eggs, and cheese and was apparently made for just such a collection of needs. Well as far as I’m concerned they can call it whatever they want, I call it freaking delicious!   Who wouldn’t like a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich in a …

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Blondies For Two

I want to bake a dessert for me and the hubby but I don’t want to make an entire cake or tray of brownies for just the two of us.  Don’t get me wrong, as much as I’d love to consume an entire Apple Cake, my scale would hate me.  These delicious blondies are the perfect solution. You use a loaf pan to make only 8 blondie bars!  How cool is that?  It’s just enough to satisfy a sweet craving and you don’t have loads of leftovers to tempt you. Have you ever had a blondie bar before?  They are …

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Roasted Broccoli And Parmesan Polenta Bites

I’m super excited to bring you this broccoli dish.  Wow, that’s not something you hear often, especially from me. Okay, how do I explain this…  I like broccoli, but I don’t tend to eat it much because I don’t like what it does to my tummy (putting it delicately).  For some reason unbeknownst to me, I decided to ignore my aversion to this green veggie and create this appetizer.  I’m so glad I did because these bites are my favorite way to eat broccoli now. I love all of the textures going on here.  The crunch of the toasted bread and the roasted broccoli combines …

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