Spicy Zucchini Chips

It’s zucchini season!  Do you know what that means?  If you’re an avid Pinterest follower then you know that every other recipe will have zucchini in it.  I love zucchini and I don’t object to the sudden flurry of recipes using this veggie, so I hope you’re not sick of seeing zucchini recipes.  I’m here to add to the fun with these spicy zucchini chips.  They’re not really chips, but I couldn’t think of a better title and just called it close enough. Spicy Zucchini Chips Recipe (Makes 30 to 35 chips) Ingredients: 1 large zucchini 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 …

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Roasted Red Pepper, Eggplant, And Corn Quinoa

Roasted veggies and summer go hand in hand.  Why?  It’s grilling season and you can grill them up.  But guess what?  I’m sort of afraid to use a grill and when I say “sort of” I mean “I am.” Anyway, while everyone else is using their grill, I’ll be using my oven.  Yes, even on these hot days… We have an air conditioner, it should be okay. This dish is loaded with roasted eggplant and corn and the quinoa is covered in a roasted red pepper sauce. Roasted Red Pepper, Eggplant, And Corn Quinoa Recipe (About 6 servings) Ingredients: 1 medium eggplant, roughly …

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Mini Powdered Doughnuts

Selfies.  Do you love or hate them?  Do you post selfies?  If yes, how many shots do you take before you pick the one that you actually post?  I’m not sure how I feel about them.  I’m not opposed to them, per say, but at the same time, I don’t find myself wanting to take pics of myself for the world to see.  Especially with the camera only as far away as my arm allows. What does this have to do with mini doughnuts?  Well, it doesn’t.  I just started an Instagram account, it got me thinking about the topic and …

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Mediterranean Carrot Salad

Have you heard of a spiralizer?  There are many varieties on the market but essentially it’s a kitchen gadget that transforms a vegetable into something that looks like spaghetti, like this one.  It sounds like a great invention, but I don’t know if I’d use it more than twice before the cool factor wore off.  Do you have one?  And if so, do you think it was worth the investment? I decided to resort to my good old fashioned peeler instead to see if I could create a meal similar to what a spiralizer would produce.  Peeling carrots seemed like a …

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One Pot Pasta

Living without a refrigerator stinks.  Ours broke down about two weeks ago.  It took about one week to get someone out to look at it and then another week to wait for the replacement part to come in.  My husband and I resorted to eating out for dinner for the time with no fridge.  At first I was annoyed about eating out every night, but then I realized it was quite nice because it meant that I didn’t have to cook!  Now that the fridge is fixed, guess who doesn’t want to cook? I stumbled across this pasta recipe on pinterest.com …

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