Double Mint Cookie Bars

As St. Patty’s Day approaches, I’m seeing more green colored food online (i.e. and all the various social media outlets).  I simply can’t go there.  Not for the lack of spirit, but because it looks unappealing to me.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind a little green color in my food, but I’ve never been one to want green eggs and ham.  I do, however, love mint and mint is notoriously green colored (even if not naturally so). In honor of the one day a year when everyone is Irish, I was inspired to create these bar cookies which are loaded with …

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Spicy Chorizo And Pasta

There are days that I think I might become a vegetarian.  I’m not a fan of preparing meat because I don’t like to touch it raw and I have to be in the mood to eat it (as weird as the latter part might sound).  However, there are times when I crave meat.  Like a lot.  You know, because it’s delicious.  This time my craving led me to chorizo, a delightfully spicy sausage that is common in Spanish cuisine.  The result was this outrageous pasta dish that will keep you coming back for seconds and thirds. This pasta has a creamy pink …

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Blackberry Coconut Smoothie

I’m obsessed with making smoothies.  I’m actually starting to wear out my blender so I’ve been researching its replacement.  Does anyone have any recommendations? The more that I make smoothies the more that I realize I’m very picky with them.  I don’t like it so thick that I can’t suck it through a straw, but I also don’t like it when it’s too thin so I feel like I’m just drinking flavored milk.  I also don’t like to use ingredients that can turn into mush, like graham crackers or cookies, or ingredients that don’t break down easily like certain berry …

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Chocolate Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cake

I think people fall into one of two categories with their feelings about birthdays.  Either they want the whole world to know about it (generally reserved for kids I think) or they want to avoid them like the plague and make sure no one knows when they are or how many times they’ve happened (almost everyone else I think).  Which category do you fall in?  I’m solidly in the birthday avoidance and silence group.  I recently had to bump that obnoxious age number again and as retaliation against the flow of time I am using that as an excuse to eat …

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Chickpea Cakes

It’s a Wednesday in February and I’ve got nothing.  It happens.     😉  If you’ve got something exciting going on then please share it.  I’ll live vicariously through you.     🙂  Even if I don’t leave you with a funny story or a thought provoking question, hopefully you’ll take away this healthy vegetarian recipe. These cakes are made from chickpeas and loaded with lots of Indian seasoning and herbs. Chickpea Cakes Recipe (Makes 11 cakes) Ingredients:  2 slices hearty white bread, torn into pieces 2 large eggs  4 tablespoons olive oil (divided per the directions)  1 teaspoon garam …

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