Stuff I’m Into: Spring Trends

Guys, I’m not feeling inspired in the kitchen.  Not at all.  As a result I’ve not posted as many recipes as I normally do.  I’m sure that at some point I’ll be back to my normal self again.  In the meantime, I’m completely craving Spring so I thought I’d share some of the Spring trends that I’m Into. Cactus.  Last year seemed like it was the year of pineapple prints.  You simply weren’t cool if you weren’t sporting a t-shirt, bag, shoes or whatever that showed it off.  I think pineapples will always be a classic symbol in the warmer …

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Almond Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Do you get obsessed when you find a new ingredient that you love?  Right now I’m into baking with coconut oil and coconut sugar. Do you bake with coconut sugar?  If so, do you use it because of a particular health reason or because you like the flavor?  I’m curious.  It sounds like coconut sugar has some good benefits, but I don’t really have a strong opinion one way or the other.  I’m just having fun experimenting with it, especially since I’ve had some successful recipes lately.  I still bake mostly with white and brown sugars. I recently ran out of the paleo chocolate …

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Tomatoes, White Beans, and Broccolini Salad

I’m craving Spring and all things that remind me of Spring. I’m not complaining because we’ve had a mild winter, but I sure am anxious for warmer weather and longer days.  I can’t wear shorts yet (nor do I even want to).  Hello, white legs.  But I can start eating foods that fresh and feel spring-y, like this salad.  Isn’t it funny how we tend to crave warm, comforting, fatty foods in the winter, but then do a 180 and crave healthy fresh veggies and fruit once it warms up?  I don’t think I’m alone in this.  Am I?  (I’m hearing …

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Single Serving Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookie

Holy cow, guys… my blog is three years old today! I’ve been thinking about how to memorialize the occasion.  Should I give advice to my fellow bloggers?  Should I share what I’ve learned over the years?  Let’s face it, the answers to those questions seem like they’d be long and drawn out and I don’t want to bore you guys.  The short answer is that I’ve learned more about blogging and myself than I ever thought I could.  It has been quite a journey so far and I’m very proud of how far Tina’s Chic Corner has come. As on …

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Soup Roundup

I’ve never posted a recipe roundup before.  I figure if you are looking for a specific recipe then you’d simply search my recipe index.  The other day I realized that I haven’t been making any soup this season.  That got me thinking.  You guys might like to see a “one stop shop” (so to speak) of the best soups I’ve shared in the past.  Of course feel free to look over my complete recipe index of soups too. So without further ado…. Here are my top 7 favorite soups (in no particular order). Pasta Fagiloi Soup 2.  White Bean and Pasta …

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