Stuff I’m Into: Spring Trends

Guys, I’m not feeling inspired in the kitchen.  Not at all.  As a result I’ve not posted as many recipes as I normally do.  I’m sure that at some point I’ll be back to my normal self again.  In the meantime, I’m completely craving Spring so I thought I’d share some of the Spring trends that I’m Into.


Cactus.  Last year seemed like it was the year of pineapple prints.  You simply weren’t cool if you weren’t sporting a t-shirt, bag, shoes or whatever that showed it off.  I think pineapples will always be a classic symbol in the warmer months, but this year it seems like cactus prints are the “it” thing.  I’m not jumping for joy obsessed with it but I do like this dainty cactus necklace or cactus beach bag.

Lace-Up Shoes.  I’ve loved this trend for the past couple of years but it’s really taken off this year.  You can have your choice of lace-up flats, heels, sandals, or booties.  I’ve been eyeing these Sam Edelman sandals and these Charles David sandals.  Which one do you like the best?

PANTONE.  I’ve heard people talking about “pantone colors” but I had no idea what it was until I looked it up.  Apparently, PANTONE is synonymous with color expert.  They list the top 10 colors for Spring and the #1 color is rose quartz, which I love.

Iced Coffee.  You can’t go by me because I drink this stuff even when it’s -7 degrees out.  But at least Spring is coming and it will be more seasonally appropriate as a way to keep cool.  I treat myself to an iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts every Saturday morning after my kickboxing class.  I never get tired of it.

White Pants.  It is against all of the fashion rules anyone has ever come up with to wear white pants and shoes before Memorial Day weekend.  Or is it?  That’s what the rule was when I was growing up but I think it’s changed because I see so many fashion bloggers sporting it already.  Now I’m anxious to pull out my white jeans and wear them like tomorrow.  What do you think?

What trends are you into for Spring?




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