It doesn’t happen often, but I’ve got a beef recipe for all of you today. I like to eat beef but I don’t cook it often (or at all) because I don’t like touching or even looking at raw meat. Plus, I never know how to determine when the beef is done cooking. I don’t want to eat it raw and I don’t want to serve shoe leather either. At the end of the day I simply avoid these struggles and stick to vegetarian meals because there is no guess work there for me. It’s very hard to overcook things …
Author: Tina
Greek Chickpea Flatbread Salad
Another day, another salad. I could eat the same thing for breakfast straight for two months and not get bored of it. I usually alternate between yogurt with fruit and oatmeal with fruit. I could also eat the same snack for days on end and that would be just fine. Lately, I’m loving Skinny Pop popcorn as my snack of choice. On the other hand, lunches are a totally different beast. Lately I feel pretty lucky if I eat my lunch without being sick of it by the time I’m done. I’m weird, I know. Salads tend to be my deal …
Spinach Pie (Spanakopita) for Two
I think this will be my favorite recipe of 2018. I know it’s probably too early in the year to say that I have a favorite recipe, but I really love this spanakopita (aka spinach pie). Let’s just say that I’ve set a high standard for all recipes that follow this one. Spanakopita is usually made in a big pan to serve a lot of people. If you’re my Yiayia (Greek grandma), then you make it in a very big pan. You know, because Greeks like to make enough food to feed an army no matter how many people are …
How to Organize a Linen Closet
Hi guys! I’m excited to share with you that I’m starting a new series on the blog called “How to Organize.” What’s this series about? I’m sort of a neat freak so I have a tendency to want to organize things… all the time. I guess you can say that I enjoy organizing things, a lot. Is it normal to love organizing things? Maybe keep that answer to yourself. 😉 Many of my family and friends have to come to for advice on how to organize stuff. I guess I’m that good, or that crazy, or something. I’ve wanted to do this series for some …
Healthy Goals
The #1 new year’s resolution is to get more healthy. I guess I’m in good company because that’s my new year’s resolution too, again. I seem to have this resolution several times during the entire year so I’m not sure if that’s truly a “new year’s” resolution except that it happens to coincide with the first day of the year. I’m not usually one for making resolutions. I suppose January 1st is a good excuse to reevaluate all of my resolutions, especially when it comes to healthy eating since I probably ate more cookies last month than all of last year. I thought …