Crispy Baked Potato Wedges

Sometimes you need a basic dish that will go with just about anything. The other day my sister asked me how to bake sliced potatoes.  It’s surprisingly easy and simple.  I have made them before so I pointed her in the direction of the roasted potato recipe and the Greek roasted potato recipe to give her a couple of options to choose from.  Those recipes are oldies but goodies and it made me wonder if there was maybe a better way to make roasted potatoes.  That’s where these crispy baked potato wedges come in. I can think of a million ways …

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Crumb Doughnuts

O… M… G.  These are the best doughnuts that I’ve ever made.  Ever. I’ve made a lot of baked doughnuts and I’m a tough critic.  I suppose it’s because a baked doughnut is not fried (duh) and in my mind and they’re just not the same.  I refuse to own a fryer (because I don’t need more fatty temptations) so I’ve come to terms with the fact that baked doughnuts tend to look and taste like oddly shaped cakes. In comparing these doughnuts to all the others I’ve made (some on the blog and some that weren’t good enough to make the blog), they …

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Comfy and Cute

Once the weekend hits, I’m all for comfortable clothes.  Since I workout in the mornings I usually stay in my workout clothes all day, which is apparently the cool thing to do now (who knew?).  I recently read that “athleisure wear” is in style.  It’s a clothing trend where you wear workout clothes. Here’s one of my favorite outfits that I’ve been sporting lately: A good hoodie.  I recently bought this hoodie from Old Navy.  The color I picked online looked more like a pinkish color but in real life it’s a bright peach.  (I’ve actually just noticed that my picture …

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Banana Crumb Cake

I’m on a mission to make every flavor of crumb cake possible. If you search “crumb cake” on my blog then you’ll see that I’ve made a few.  I can’t help it.  I just love crumb cakes. This crumb cake combines two of my favorite recipes, the cake part from the banana cake recipe and the crumb topping from the coffee crumb cake recipe.  The end result is a moist banana cake topped with buttery crumb topping.  Be still my heart.  This combo is as wonderful as I had imagined it to be.  I love it when that happens (because it’s not always …

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Craving Spring

Dear Spring, I’m officially ready for you now that I’ve received these Jeffrey Campbell wedges.  As soon as I received these pretty things last week I’ve been anxious to paint my toenails and sport some Spring fashion. I will miss my over sized and chunky sweaters and scarves but check out what I’m craving for Spring. Wedges.  I see that wedges are on trend for this spring and summer, which is great because I love the look.  (It doesn’t hurt that they help to add a little height.  #shortgirlproblems).  I bought these Marc Fischer wedges last summer and can’t wait to …

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