Top Chocolate Cookie Recipes

I’ve made a bazillion (give or take) kinds of cookies over the years, especially of the chocolate variety. Since it’s cookie baking season, I thought I’d round up my top chocolate cookies (and cookie bars) from Tina’s Chic Corner. Grab a hot cocoa because it’s quite a list! Chocolate M&M Cookies Chocolate Crinkle Kiss Cookies Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies Chocolate Crinkle Cookies Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies Peanut Butter Chocolate Cup Cookies Peppermint Chip Chocolate Cookies Flourless Paleo Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies Chocolate Kiss Cookies Chocolate Chip Black and White Cookies Chocolate Macadamia White Chip Cookies Almond Butter Oatmeal Chocolate Chip …

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Top Christmas Cookie Recipes

It’s Christmas cookie baking season! It’s the time of the year when I have more cookie ingredients stocked in my kitchen than “real food.” This year I thought I’d kick off the cookie fest with a round up of my top festive Christmas cookies from Tina’s Chic Corner. Enjoy! Sugar Kiss Cookies Italian Ricotta Cookies Chocolate Kiss Cookies Mini M&M Cookies Gingerbread Man Soft Frosted Eggnog Cookies Chocolate Caramel Shortbread Bars Have a great cookie baking season!

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Little Apple Crumble Cheesecake

What do you make if you are craving apple pie and cheesecake? Combine them both together of course. The crust is a traditional graham crack crust which is so delicious. Duh, it’s graham cracker crust. In fact, when I pulled it out of the oven my husband said that I could stop there because he’d happily eat the crust by itself. It was a tempting offer, considering I had most of the recipe yet to go. Luckily my husband stuck around to help me finish baking, which made the steps go by quicker. Plus it was more fun. The cheesecake …

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Butternut Squash Soup

What is your ideal Fall day? This butternut squash soup is remarkably similar to the Panera version. If you’ve never had Panera’s butternut squash soup (or aren’t even familiar with the Panera food chain), this is a sweet creamy squash soup with warm spices. I like to add something on top of the soup, for texture, like pistachios. Let’s not forget to add bread of any kind to this party. My perfect Fall day starts with a coffee date with my husband, of course I will have a pumpkin spice latte. Then stroll around a small New England town or …

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Snickerdoodle Bars

Tis the season to be merry, or lie by the pool and soak up the sun, or both. The Hallmark Channel is airing their Christmas movies to celebrate Christmas in July. You better believe that I’m watching them even if I’ve already seen them 20 times before. Many of the movies have some kind of cookie baking scene so of course now I’m craving Christmas cookies. These snickerdoodle bars would be perfect for the holidays (in July or otherwise). All that sugary cinnamon-y goodness as got the holidays written all over them. Think snickerdoodle cookies but instead of scooping cookie …

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