Almond Granola

I often talk about eating cereal for dinner when I’m too lazy to cook (especially if it’s just dinner for 1).  I thought it was high time I made a cereal worth blogging about so I made this almond granola.  It’s a basic granola recipe that is lightly sweetened and loaded with almonds.

08Almond Granola

Almond Granola Recipe
(Makes about 3 cups)


  • 2 cups rolled oats (also known as old fashioned oats)
  • 3 tablespoons wheat germ
  • 3 tablespoons oat bran
  • 1/2 cup almonds, finally chopped
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • (optional) sprinkling of raisins


  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
  2. Line a baking sheet with tin foil and grease the tin foil with cooking spray.
  3. In a large bowl, combine the rolled oats, wheat germ, oat bran, and chopped almonds and set it aside.
  4. In a medium saucepan, add the salt, light brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, oil, cinnamon, and vanilla extract.  Bring it to a boil over Medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  5. While the wet ingredients are still hot, add them to the dry ingredients and mix together.
  6. Spread the granola evenly on the baking sheet.
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes.  Stir once halfway through.  (Keep an eye on it for the last few minutes because it can burn quickly towards the end.  The granola will harden as it cools.)
  8. Let it cool completely before placing it in a container.
  9. (Optional)  Add in the raisins when you are ready to eat it.

Source:  Tina’s Chic Corner


Have you made granola before?  It’s so simple.  Got oats?     😉

01Almond Granola

I don’t buy pre-made granola from the store anymore.  It’s too sweet for me.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my sweets, but if I want lots of sugar then I’d buy Oreo cookies instead.  When you make granola at home, you can control how much sugar you add.  Nice, right?

I’ve seen many recipes that omit sugar all together (whether it be white sugar or the natural sugars in honey, agave, or maple syrup).  I think you need a little sweetness otherwise it just seems too bland and I doubt it would hang together in little granola bits when you’re done.  This granola is a little sweet, but not overly so.

02Almond Granola

One of the reasons why I love this recipe is because it’s pretty basic.  If you don’t like almonds, no problem.  Swap out the almonds for your favorite nut.  Add dried fruit, or even chocolate after it’s out of the oven and it will be a different granola experience entirely.  I’ve seen some pretty creative granola combinations out there so go to town!  If you love it, then that’s all the counts.     🙂  Last year I made a version of this recipe where I loaded it up with more nuts.  I wanted today’s version to be lower in calories and fat so I reduced the nut portion greatly.  See?  Two fabulous recipes out of one base.  Loving that!

06Almond Granola

A simple bowl of cereal is an awesome way to start (or end) your day and this granola’s delicious flavors shine no matter what time of day it is.  It’s a little like Grape Nuts cereal so my husband likes to let it sit for a couple of minutes before diving into it.  I like it mad crunchy so I dig into it right away.  Once the granola is all gone, you’ve got a lovely bowl of cinnamon-y and slightly sweet milk.  Yum!

07Almond Granola

Granola is super versatile.  In fact I have other plans for this tasty granola so you’ll be seeing it again.

03Almond Granola

What’s your favorite way to eat granola?


5 Hats


Here are some other great breakfast treats.

Breakfast Tart

07-2Breakfast Tart

French Toast

07French Toast

Light Banana Bread

06Light Banana Bread


  1. Ashley says:

    So I currently have wheat germ and oat bran that I really need to use up – I think it’s time I made some granola! This looks so good. And a perfect reminder that it’s been ages since I made granola at home!

    1. Tina says:

      Yeah! 🙂

  2. I looooove granola! I make this mocha granola that I adore, but I don’t have a good basic granola recipe. This sounds perfect! I am just like you, I eat cereal a lot for dinner when my husband isn’t home. Can’t wait to try it!

    1. Tina says:

      Ooh mocha granola sounds awesome!

  3. Yum! Storebought granola is too sweet for me too, and I find it’s much cheaper to just make my own at home 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    1. Tina says:

      Oh so yum. 🙂

  4. I can’t wait to give this granola a try, Tina. Every time I buy a store-bought granola I seem to think it’s too sweet for my taste buds, so I mix in a less-sweet cereal. I love how customizable this is, though almonds/maple/honey/cinnamon/raisins sounds perfect to me!

    1. Tina says:

      I hope you love this as much as we do! Being able to control the sugar and the goodies is one of the best parts about making it at home. You get it just the way you like. 🙂

  5. I totally agree, I need a little sweetness in my granola. You can still have healthy and tasty at the same time, right?!

    1. Tina says:


  6. Your granola sounds absolutely delicious and love to see those light sultans in your morning cereal. I love granola as both a breakfast and dessert or snack.

    1. Tina says:

      Thanks Bam! Have a lovely day, my friend. 🙂

  7. I dont really eat granola, not really a big cereal kinda gal. Think thats because when I was an apprentice chef, and the funds were tight, cereal was inexpensive and I ate it all the time. 🙂 Great recipe tho Tina, I should make a batch for quick munching.

    1. Tina says:

      I could see why cereal is not your thing…I get tired of certain foods too if I eat it repeatedly. This is a great snack if you’ve got the munchies. 😉

  8. I’ve never made granola before – but I definitely need to try it. I absolutely love the taste of it, so why not? 🙂

    1. Tina says:

      Ever since I made granola last year, I always make it now instead of buying at the store! I hope you try it (even if not this recipe).

  9. My wife is a granola fanatic. Maybe I’ll have to be a good husband and make this for her 🙂

    1. Tina says:

      Hehe…definitely make for her. 🙂

  10. I like using honey or maple syrup when I make granola. This looks great. And I do cereal for dinner sometimes too!

    1. Tina says:

      Cereal for dinner is sometimes so necessary! 😉

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