Welcome to our home for the holidays!

The kitchen is a busy room in our home, especially this time of the year with all of the cookie baking. I’m glad that we added a Christmas tree last year to this room to make it more festive. I bought a size that I think would work in several rooms but I loved it so much in the kitchen that I set it up in the same spot this year.

I think my style this year is pretty similar to least year. I focused on neutrals and nature. I bought this table runner when my husband and I visited Crete, Greece in 2010.

I used a green and white color scheme for the tree in the kitchen. The plaid and velvet ribbons are new and I think add a cute touch.

I bought these white houses a few years ago and I still love them. I try to decorate with them a little differently each year.

I’m thrilled with how the mantel turned out and I think it might be my favorite that I’ve ever done. I added two new garlands and a few floral picks. I don’t think that it photographs as nice as it is in person but the close up shot helps to show you some of the details and dimension of the greenery.

I enjoy reading in this nook. You can see a sneak peak of our tree.

The piece de resistance is our live tree in the family room. We decorate it the same every year, with a variety of ornaments that we’ve collected over the years (even the game themed ones that are more up my husband’s alley).

My husband enjoys the colored lights, while I prefer the white ones. So we alternate every other year with which ones to adorn on our tree. Every single time it’s the turn for colored lights I try to sneak it by him to have white lights a second time in a row but he never falls for it. Ain’t she a beaut? Nothing beats the smell of fresh pine. It’s about 10 feet tall this year, and I have to admit that I think it’s a little on the skinny side. I do love it though.

Happy holidays!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Tina. As always, beautiful job on all of your decorations. I love your clean, simple and natural style. I am with you with the white lights on the tree!
Have a happy, healthy 2023. 🙏
Thank you so much, Marie! I hope you had a lovey holidays! Happy and healthy new year!!