Chocolate Chip Pound Cake

Oh… my… gosh!  Pound cake plus chocolate plus more chocolate!  Does it get any better than this, folks?  This idea is not a new revelation, but it’s one that is sure worth having over and over again.  Bake it for a BBQ, or when the new school year starts, or for winter holiday gathering, or simply because you feel like having some good eats around the house.  You can’t go wrong with this decadent chocolate chip pound cake at any time of the year. Chocolate Chip Pound Cake Recipe (Makes 1 loaf) Ingredients for Ganache: 1 cup heavy cream 8 ounces …

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Peach Blueberry Scones With Spice Frosting

It’s about half way through summer and I’m already starting to crave autumn-ish foods.  I don’t know if that’s because I’m getting tired of summer foods or because I love the foods typically eaten in the autumn.  I thought I’d whip up something to combine the best of both seasons. These scones are loaded with peaches and blueberries and covered with a spice frosting. Peach Blueberry Scones With Spice Frosting Recipe (Makes 16 scones) Ingredients for Spice Frosting: 1 and 1/2 cups powdered sugar 2 tablespoons butter, room temperature 1/4 teaspoon allspice 7 teaspoons milk Ingredients for Scones: 1 cup sour …

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Strawberry Hand Pies

Being a perfectionist is a lot of work.  I’ve made these strawberry hand pies twice now.  Why?  Not because they are mad delicious (which of course they are) and I want to make them for everyone I know (which I do because they get amazing reviews).  Instead it was because I wasn’t happy with the photographs.  I seriously need to take a chill pill!  The one good thing out of this whole ordeal is that my husband and I get to eat more awesome hand pies! Strawberry Hand Pies Recipe (Makes 9 hand pies) Note:  This recipe requires 1 hour of chilling time. Ingredients for the …

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Sweet Almond Pastry

It was my dad’s birthday last week and I wanted to make something for him to celebrate the occasion.  He’s a breakfast kinda guy, especially breakfast baked goodies.  He’s also a huge fan of anything almond-y.  Do you remember my Almond Biscotti?  I made those with him in mind.  I’ve combined the best of both worlds and made him this sweet almond pastry. Sweet Almond Pastry Recipe (About 6 servings) Ingredients: 2 large eggs, divided per the directions 1 tablespoon water 6 ounces of almond paste (I used Solo.) 3 tablespoons white sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 puff pastry sheet, …

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Skillet Chicken Tikka Masala

My husband and I love Indian food.  To give my hubby credit, he was the one who introduced me to the cuisine.  There is a great Indian restaurant about 25 minutes away from us.  It may not sound far, but for some reason or another we don’t find ourselves feeling up to the drive.  Instead, I thought I’d take a stab at making some Indian food at home. This chicken is smothered in a creamy Indian flavored sauce. Skillet Chicken Tikka Masala Recipe (4 servings) Ingredients: 1 and 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken, cubed salt, to season the chicken pepper, to season the chicken …

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