Here’s to my last blog post (and cookie recipe) of 2023. Paximadia means twice baked Greek cookies, in other words biscotti. You essentially bake a big log (or two) then cut them, then bake them again. Hence, you are baking them twice. Some Greek Orthodox folks fast during certain times throughout the year. These fasts limit the types of food that are allowed, not all food entirely. One period of fasting is for a 40 day period prior to Christmas day. These biscotti are a good option to have during the fast because they do not contain eggs or dairy. …
Category: Cookies
Gingerbread Crumb Cookies
Gingerbread cookie. Crumbs. Where have these been all my life? These cookies are a little high maintenance to make but that’s okay with me at Christmas time because it’s the time of year to show off some impressive cookies. I don’t often show prep pictures anymore but I thought it was good to show you how much crumb to get on there. It kind of looks like a stuffed mushroom, but it’s not. When they come out of the oven they magically look little crumb cakes but in a chewy cookie form. They have subtle gingerbread flavors so even those …
Top 10 Christmas Cookies
It’s Christmas cookie baking season! I’ve made a bazillion (give or take 😉 ) kinds of cookies over the years and it gets harder and harder to find new ones that are worth sharing here. Don’t worry, I do have new ones in store, so stay tuned. This year I thought I’d kick off the cookie fest with a round up of my top 10 of Christmas cookies from Tina’s Chic Corner (in no particular order). Think of it as a one stop shop for all your cookie recipe needs. Enjoy! I love to bring a huge tray of cookies …
Koulourakia Ladiou – Greek Olive Oil Cookies
These cookies are unlike any other cookie I’ve made before (and that’s saying a lot since I’ve made tons of different kinds). These Greek olive oil cookies are hard and aren’t especially sweet. Some people will flavor their Greek olive oil cookies with brandy or specialty spices. Since I’m personally not a fan of most of those flavors, I skipped them and kept it simple with a hint of orange flavor and cinnamon. Instead of being difficult, we’re sticking with ingredients that you probably already have on hand. In fact, not very many ingredients since they use olive oil as …
Glazed Lemon Cookies
Guys, would you believe that these are the first lemon cookies that I’ve baked? I don’t count the lemon bars (because they’re “bar cookies”). I’m not drawn to lemon desserts, even though I do enjoy them, so I guess they’re just not on my mind. However, with it being time for Spring and Easter celebrations I knew that a lemon cookie would be the perfect addition to a cookie platter. Here enters these heavenly pillows of lemony goodness. When I read reviews of most lemon cookie recipes, I see comments like, “these are not lemony” or “these are too lemony.” …