Hearts of Palm and Feta Salad

How do you do this again? I mean blogging because it’s been a while.

I took an unintentional hiatus from blogging. My last post was in February which was in the middle of winter. Hello, winter blues. It was nothing unusual or serious. Add being in the middle of a pandemic. Then add a busy work schedule. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a full time attorney. Plus I had a bad case of the “what the freak do I make?” My husband usually calls this my food mood, when I’m not in the mood for much aside from bagels, pizza, or chicken nuggets. Yup, I turn into a 6 year old when I’m in these moods. Even if I find a recipe worth making and sharing with you, I didn’t have anything to write about. So I decided to give myself some leeway. A grace period if you will.

Grace. I’m really into that word lately because I think it’s a good reminder. I cut myself some slack, let myself get through the winter, completed my big projects at work, and while it was happening I pressed pause on the blog. I never want to blog for the sake of getting out a post, nor do I ever want blogging to be a chore. My blog is my baby and I knew I’d return some day when I felt it was right (and fun) again. So here I am and I’m sure glad to be back. πŸ™‚

If you follow me on Instagram, then this salad might look familiar to you because I’ve made it a bazillion times lately. (That’s a technical term. πŸ˜‰ ) Since I’m loving it so much, I thought I should make it official and finally share a “recipe” here. I say “recipe” because I don’t really think salads like this one are a recipe, but instead more of a guideline. Add as much or as little of an ingredient as you want and it’s pretty much fool proof. The heart of the dish (no pun intended) are the hearts of palm.

I eat a lot of salads for lunch. Not only are they delicious, they are a good way to balance out my dessert. I’m always looking for new salad ideas to keep it interesting and I saw one somewhere online that had hearts of palm in it. I thought that was different and interesting. If you’ve never had them before, they kind of taste like artichokes. They add nice crunch and flavor to your salad. This recipe is a nice side salad, but if I’m eating it for lunch then I’d add some protein like pistachio nuts, chickpeas, turkey, or chicken.

What have you guys been up to? This enquiring mind wants to know.

Hearts of Palm and Feta Salad Recipe
(Make as many servings as you like)

Ingredients for Salad:

  • lettuce, chopped (I used butter lettuce.)
  • hearts of palm, sliced (I used 1 can of Reese to get about 4 servings.)
  • feta cheese, sliced
  • bean sprouts or pea shoots

Note: I purposely did not include measurements. Add however much you like of each ingredient, skip an ingredient, or add extra ingredients. Make it to however YOU want. Also, you can make this for yourself or for your whole family.

Ingredients for Lemon Dressing:

  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice (fresh if you got it)
  • pinch of pepper
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon (dried) oregano

Note: The above portions for the lemon dressing are for about 1 to 2 servings, depending on how much dressing you like on your salad.

Directions for Salad:

  1. In a bowl or plate, add the lettuce, hearts of palm, feta cheese, and bean sprouts.
  2. Drizzle the lemon dressing and gently mix together.

Directions for the Lemon Dressing:

  1. In a medium bowl, whisk together the oil, lemon juice, pepper, salt, and oregano.

Source: Tina’s Chic Corner


  1. Betty says:

    Welcome back! We sure have missed you! Recipe looks so pretty and dee-licious. Happy Spring!!

    1. Tina says:

      Thank you so much! Happy Spring indeed! πŸ™‚

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