What makes the perfect salad? My husband says it definitely doesn’t involve quinoa.

Before I answer the question that everyone wants to know the answer to (yes, I’m being dramatic), I’d like to say that it feels good to be back to blogging. I took a few unintentional weeks off because life got in the way. Work was busy. For those of you who don’t know, I am a full time attorney at a corporation. I was feeling uninspired to find or create new recipes worth sharing here. Plus, I felt my usual winter time blues. Something had to give so I let blogging take a back seat until it felt right to come back. I thrive on routines so I have been focusing on my daily routines, especially my morning routine now that I work from home.
It’s funny because two years ago I rarely heard about people’s morning routines and now it seems like everyone has their own version. Maybe their habits have changed like mine. I never had a morning routine (unless you count rushing to get dressed in the morning to head into the office) until I started working from home. Every morning is slightly different of course, but I almost always start it with hot water and lemon, reading, and meditating. I read a short inspiration verse from the bible. There are many benefits to meditation. I’ve tried it several times over the past few years but I hadn’t found anything that I liked or stuck with. For the past three months I’ve been doing daily 3 minute guided meditations on the Serenity app and I’m loving it. Then I have my coffee (which is my favorite part of my morning routine).

Lately, I’ve also been trying to focus on healthier eating and that includes making salads like this one for lunch. So what makes the perfect salad? I think it’s kind of a trick question because my answer will change depending on the season and my mood. Lately I’m craving Spring, warmer weather, and these vibrant colors in my food. Today, a colorful salad makes a perfect salad.
Tomorrow will be my new favorite and perfect salad. 😉 What have you all been up to? Are you into making salads? Do they involve quinoa? My husband hopes not because he really doesn’t like it.

Quinoa Salad Recipe
(Makes about 2 servings)
- 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
- 1/2 of a yellow bell pepper, chopped
- 2 to 3 miniature cucumbers, sliced
- about 10 cherry tomatoes, sliced
- 1/4 cup sliced Kalamata olives
- 1/4 cup sliced green olives
- sprinkling of chopped red onion
- 1/2 cup chopped feta cheese
- 1 tablespoon oil
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice (fresh if you got it)
- pinch of pepper
- pinch of salt
- 1/4 teaspoon (dried) oregano
- In a large pot, cook the quinoa according to the directions on the box.
- In a bowl, add the cooked quinoa, chopped bell pepper, sliced cucumber, sliced cherry tomatoes, sliced Kalamata and green olives, chopped red onion, chopped feta cheese, lemon juice, olive oil, oregano, salt, and pepper. Gently mix everything together.
Adapted from: @gayanefood
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