French Toast

Ah, February… the most romantic month of the year.  I think romance comes in many forms. Perhaps it comes when your partner does a household chore, randomly, when it’s typically your responsibility.  Maybe it’s when your best friend, who lives a few hours away, sends you a text saying they miss you.  It’s not always about chocolate and flowers (although don’t get me wrong, I love that too).

I’m the one who makes 98% of the meals in our home so for me, so when my husband voluntarily makes breakfast on the weekend, I feel like I’ve been swept off my feet.     🙂  I love sharing this morning moment with him and he makes a pretty mean breakfast.  The best part is that he doesn’t wait for February 14th to roll around!  He often treats me to awesome breakfasts, like this French toast.

09French Toast

French Toast Recipe
(About 2 to 3 servings)


  • 4 eggs, beaten (or 1 cup of egg beaters)
  • 1/2 cup dairy (* See note below)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 8-10 slices of bread


  1. Heat a skillet over medium-low heat.
  2. In a large shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs, dairy, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla extract.
  3. Dunk one bread slice in the mixture, flip the slice of bread over and dunk it again.
  4. Cook the coated bread in the skillet until done on both sides.
  5. Repeat until you are out of the batter, out of bread, or sick of French toast.

* Virtually any dairy will work.  I’ve used everything from skim milk to whole milk and heavier dairy including half and half, whipping cream, and heavy cream.  I’ve found the higher the fat content in the dairy, the better it comes out.  I have not tried non-dairy milk such as soy or almond milk, but I suspect they would also work.

This tastes best if served immediately after making.


This is another one of those recipes that people “just know how to make”.  My husband learned how to make this as a kid and has literally never measured the ingredients for it.  That made his efforts to cook this, write down the ingredients and the steps a true adventure.  He obviously couldn’t do as he normally does where it’s a bunch of this and a splash of that.

There are one trillion French toast recipes out there (yup, I counted).  I’m pretty picky with my French toast, but my husband’s recipe is super flavorful from the cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla extract.  Look at all that spice in the bowl!

01French Toast

One of the secrets to making outstanding French toast is… are you ready?  Cook it to how YOU like it.  You weren’t expecting that, were you?  Well, it’s true.  If you prefer your French toast more custardy in the middle then you need only use thicker bread and soak it in the batter longer.  If you find that the custard texture is not your preference you can dip the bread quickly into the batter.  Bread thickness doesn’t matter a lot for that, but if you use thicker bread and quicker dips you will actually end up with dry bread in the middle.  (And that doesn’t make it wrong!)  My husband knows just how I like it, somewhere in the middle.     🙂

Even the type of bread you use should just be based on personal preference.  This was prepared with Homemade Italian Bread left overs, but anything from cinnamon raisin bread to 12-grain earthy crunchy bread will work well.

As far as the cooking time, remember that it’s not supposed to be a super hot pan.  It will take a few minutes per side so you just have to be patient.  When you peek under the slice and see that it’s the brown color you like, then it’s time to flip it over.  Also keep in mind that thicker slices of bread will take a little longer and if you soaked the bread instead of just dipping, that will add to the time as well.

02French Toast

Here comes the most important question of your day.  What do you top your French toast with?  According to my husband, powdered sugar and butter is the only way to go.  Syrup on French toast, even high quality maple syrup, is just a sin.  Save the syrup for your pancakes and waffles.  Wait, did he just say powdered sugar, one of my favorite things of all time?!  We are definitely made for each other.     🙂

05French Toast

I’d like to thank my boo for the many breakfasts that he’s made and also his patience for waiting to eat while I photograph them for my blog!  (He does tend to get a lot of cold food for that reason.)

03French Toast

Mmm, melty buttery goodness with a side of sweet and spice!

06French Toast

What’s your favorite romantic gesture from a loved one?




4 Hats


Source:  Tina’s husband


Here are some other fantastic breakfasts to serve your honey.

Eggs in Hash Brown Nests



Chocolate Crumb Cake

06=1Chocolate Crumb Cake


Raspberry Cheese Danish

07Raspberry Cheese Danish


  1. Who doesn’t love french toast? It should be a crime. 🙂
    It’s definitely my breakfast of choice when we go out for breakfast. Looks great!

    1. Tina says:

      Lol! The hubby and I often share meals when we eat out and one of us usually gets French toast too. We had Challah (a Jewish bread) French Toast once at a bed and breakfast a couple of years…it was out of this world and I’d love to try to mimic that one day!
      Have a great week Melanie!

  2. Yum! I love that your husband makes you french toast- so sweet. I love all the tips for making french toast just the way you like it!

    1. Tina says:

      He is sweet. 🙂
      It’s definitely one of those meals where everyone has different preferences and it was important to me to try to capture that. Glad you approve. 🙂

  3. Jenny @ BAKE says:

    Now all I want in the world is a couple of slices of this!

    1. Tina says:

      Hehe, that’s awesome! 🙂

  4. Nothing more comforting. My wife’s favorite!

    1. Tina says:

      I can see why it’s her favorite! Definitely a comfort food in our home. 🙂

  5. That’s so sweet your husband makes you french toast? Isn’t it the best when they cook?! I do notice the kitchen is left a bit in shambles after though. Haha! And so funny because I just did a french toast to post next Thursday! Great minds think alike : ) And it was def weird actually measuring out the ratio of ingredients for me too. I usually just throw it all in and know the amount just by looking.

    1. Tina says:

      No way! Great minds do think alike. 🙂 I can’t wait to see it. I’m pretty lucky because the hubby does clean up when he’s done. (That is if I haven’t neurotically done so myself). 😉

  6. Mary Frances says:

    All the guys in our house love making breakfast food, too! It is like their specialty. And, their favorite is French toast! Coincidence? I think not! 🙂 Sprinkled with powdered sugar is the way to go!

    1. Tina says:

      Really!? That’s super awesome on all accounts. 🙂

  7. Ashley says:

    I love that your husband makes you breakfast sometimes : ) So sweet … now if only I could convince mine to do that haha His idea of making food for us is take-out! lol

    1. Tina says:

      Hehe, my husband is the same way if I tell him he’s in charge of dinner. I guess they can’t all be homemade winners. 😉

  8. I totally recognize that bread! French toast has to be one of my favorite thing to have for breakfast and on the weekends. For some reason they just taste better then. You know, maybe it’s because I’m not rushing out the door like I do on the weekdays! Love this simple recipe… and the bread! 😉

    1. Tina says:

      Hehe, glad you love the bread. 😉 We usually don’t have leftover homemade Italian bread, but my husband made 2 loafs that weekend. French toast to the rescue! 🙂

  9. I think I would fall over and die if my other half made breakfast. I’m not sure he knows how to work the stove. This looks great Tina! Love all your little french toasty tips!

    1. Tina says:

      Lol! My dad is the same way as you husband. 🙂

  10. Joanne says:

    Hmm I need to teach the.boy how to make French toast. It’s the perfect breakfast-in-bed!

    1. Tina says:

      I almost wrote that this was an ideal breakfast in bed meal, but then I realized I’ve never been served breakfast in bed. Hmm, maybe I can work on that. 😉

  11. Classic french toast is one of my family’s favorite breakfasts—your french toast looks perfect!

    1. Tina says:

      Thanks so much! 🙂

  12. If you can believe it, I don’t think I’ve every made French Toast. I know, it’s pretty crazy, right?!?! Don’t get me wrong. I love eating it… but rarely make breakfast at home. This looks so good though! I might need to start making breakfast more often 🙂

    1. Tina says:

      You’re an amazing cook/baker so I definitely assumed that you make awesome breakfasts!

  13. That’s cute that your husband makes you breakfast!! I love french’s my breakfast of choice 🙂

    1. Tina says:

      Hehe, thanks! 🙂 We’ll start a French toast breakfast club. 😉

  14. My bf totally tricked me into believing he could cook! He would tell me about all these amazing dishes he made but I have yet to see a single one…granted it’s rare I give up control of the kitchen! Plus he’s on egg frying duty since I’m a total failure at that!

    1. Tina says:

      My husband made me homemade chicken soup for our 3rd date because I was sick. I was pretty sure from that day on that if he said he could cook then he really meant it. He just usually tends to not want to cook. Here enters take-out food as his solution for dinner. Hehe.
      Good thing your man knows how to fry an egg. 😉 If it weren’t for my husband, I’d never know what homemade breads taste like. He’s definitely the master of breads and I’m the master of desserts…we all have our niches. 🙂

  15. Kelly says:

    Aaw, that’s so sweet, I love that your husband makes you breakfast – especially this delicious french toast! It looks delicious and great tips too 🙂

    1. Tina says:

      Thanks so much Kelly! 🙂

  16. Eddie Ross says:

    Weekend breakfasts are so special, this one looks so yummy too! Your dishes look so pretty and feature the french toast beautifully!

    1. Tina says:

      You’re very kind! Thank you. 🙂 Have a lovely weekend!

  17. Aww your hubby is just too sweet :”) This french toast looks amazing, and I suspect it must be out-of-this-world delicious if you go the heavy cream route. Oh, what a lovely treat!
    I like to top mine with powdered sugar and sometimes chocolate chips too hehe <3

    1. Tina says:

      Chocolate chips on top of french toast?! I can’t believe I haven’t thought of that. I need to do that next time and I’ll think of you. 🙂

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