Top 10 Greek Recipes

If you’re looking for some Greek recipes then I’m sharing my top 10 favorites for you right here in one spot (in no particular order). Spoiler, I may have included more than 10 recipes because I couldn’t leave some out. Greek Meatballs – Keftethakia – These meatballs make for a great appetizer or a side dish, especially dipped in tzatziki (cucumber yogurt dip) or hummus. Greek Cheese Pie – Tiropita – If you’re a cheese lover then this is a must have. Spinach Pie – Spanakopita – I love this as an appetizer or as a main course with a Mediterranean salad. …

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Keftethakia – Greek Meatballs

When your kitchen smells like your Yiayia’s (Greek grandma’s) then you know you’ve cooked up something delicious. These meatballs are small in size but mighty in flavor.  They contain onions and garlic, like many other kinds of meatballs.  However, these meatballs are also seasoned with mint, parsley, and cinnamon, which are associated with Mediterranean cuisines. My husband asked what you eat with these meatballs.  My family usually serves them warm or room temperature as an appetizer with tzatziki or a side dish with dinner, especially during the holiday dinners.  They are great as leftovers so I also like to enjoy …

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Paximadia – Greek Biscotti

Here’s to my last blog post (and cookie recipe) of 2023. Paximadia means twice baked Greek cookies, in other words biscotti. You essentially bake a big log (or two) then cut them, then bake them again. Hence, you are baking them twice. Some Greek Orthodox folks fast during certain times throughout the year. These fasts limit the types of food that are allowed, not all food entirely. One period of fasting is for a 40 day period prior to Christmas day. These biscotti are a good option to have during the fast because they do not contain eggs or dairy. …

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Koulourakia Ladiou – Greek Olive Oil Cookies

These cookies are unlike any other cookie I’ve made before (and that’s saying a lot since I’ve made tons of different kinds). These Greek olive oil cookies are hard and aren’t especially sweet. Some people will flavor their Greek olive oil cookies with brandy or specialty spices. Since I’m personally not a fan of most of those flavors, I skipped them and kept it simple with a hint of orange flavor and cinnamon.  Instead of being difficult, we’re sticking with ingredients that you probably already have on hand. In fact, not very many ingredients since they use olive oil as …

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Rice Pudding (Rizogalo)

This rice pudding is life changing. I shared a different recipe for rice pudding in 2020, a recipe that I made a few times and loved. My husband was not a fan of that recipe though. He said that the rice was too firm and the pudding texture was off. That’s one opinion versus the many complimentary ones so I just took it that he wasn’t a fan. To each their own. I couldn’t shake my husband’s comment so when I found this recipe for rice pudding, I knew that I needed to try it. I wanted to compare it …

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